Harvey’s Vegetables

2 10 2009

I was greeted with great excitement by my youngest son last night.

He’s still loving nursery, and wanting to get involved in anything he can.

He started babbling about having to take something in for Harvey, a look at my wife only solicited a wry smile.

I calmed him down and asked him to repeat it slowly:

Him:”I’ve got to take something in for Harvey at nursery!”

Me: “O-k, who is Harvey?”

H: “I don’t know, but we’ve got to take something in for him”

M: “O-k, what do you have to take in?”

H: “Vegetables!”

M: “Ah, is that for printing pictures with?” (laughter from my wife, and a puzzled look from him)

H: “No, it’s got to be in cans!”

M: “Cans? Why cans?”

H: ” Teacher said we have to bring vegetable in cans for Harvey”

My wife then stepped in to explain, that it’s for the Harvest Festival at school, and he’s got to take in tinned goods

H: “YES! That’s what I said Harvey’s vegetables!”

Harvest Festival and Harvey’s vegetables aren’t a million miles apart I guess….

Life and all it’s vagaries

28 07 2009

there are some moments in life which are really hard. We visited Grandma Zilla this weekend, and whilst we did have a lovely time there were moments of sadness interspersed.

The weather was gorgeous, warm sunshine to bask in, but coupled with a nice steady breeze to prevent you overheating.

We went to the beach and the kids paddled in the sea whilst I set about damming a small stream that runs into the sea, in that manly father type way that we tend towards.

We then travelled inland a mile or so, traversing the hill and passing all the freshly shorn sheep on the way (some of whom have scant regard for cars, and will amble along the road at a pace to suit themselves, even shouts of “mint sauce” not provoking fear in them!) up to the stone circle*

* this is not in anyway on the same scale as Stonehenge etc, but merely a small collection of limestone rocks that have been put into a small circle with a diameter of about 12 feet.

My daughter likes to think of it as a fairy circle and imagine herself as one, dancing around the circle waving her magic wand.

All pleasant, happy things to do on a bright summer’s day.

Then certain moments can change your outlook completely: Grandma Zilla telling me that I shouldn’t get old, it’s horrible apparently.

I tried pointing out that the alternative to getting old isn’t much of a better choice: death!

She laughed, but she is clearly not a happy soul at the moment, her quality of life post stroke is not what she wants it to be.

I’m hoping it’s just a bad day she was having, but I sense on the phone soemtimes that things are not going great for her. It’s times like this that make living so far away difficult.


20 02 2009

could become a new addiction for me – fast, easy and fun.

Well thi smakes a change from the doom and gloom posts I’ve been making for what seems like an eternity now.


19 02 2009

things seem to be going fairly well at the moment.

My mum has got full mobility and no paralysis, which is itself a blessing.

Her speech is still non-existent, but she’s now receiving speech therapy.

The lack of speech (coupled with her inability to mime anything!) leads to a complex version of twenty questions when trying to ascertain whatever she needs.

She’s on the waiting list to move to a rehabilitation centre, which is more positive news: that being the first step to her getting home.

The whole family came up with me this time and we managed to spend the mornings doing different wonderful things, making it feel more like a sort of holiday than I expected.

The pace of life is so different up there and the opportunities for outdoor fun are almost limitless, with the sea, hills and lakes all within a 10 minute drive.

Having an old schol friend back in the area really helped too, we had great times as two families, watching our kids enjoy the things we did as youngsters.

The only down side is the mountain of work and emails that I’ve come back to, although given how badly things could be going I am grateful for the current scenario, rather than something much worse.

Guitar hero

15 01 2009

no, not the game, but Godzooky 1!

He’s brought a guitar home from school, as he’s now officially learning it. Apparently, in a less than normal, flush of enthusiasm he was keen to learn how to play it. Normally he shies away from anything like that, so I’m astounded with his new found eagerness.

I’m slightly worried by bothe the potential for a racket in the house, and the possibility of smaller Godzookies damaging the guitar. Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I am slightly jealous of his opportunity: when I was at school teh only real option was to learn the recorder, which frankly is much less cool than the guitar. Perhaps I can persuade him to teach me too, as he goes along…?


7 01 2009

When do we acquire such traits in such strong ways?

My three year old loved everything about his birthday, every present, no matter how trivial was greeted with wonder and joy. His enjoyment knew no bounds and was very infectious. I’d love to be able to recapture just some of that joie de vivre that he has in bucket loads.

I’m going to try and be less cynical. I did say try….

Why does tv taunt me

17 11 2008

with things that I’d love to do, but will have to wait years to accomplish?

I’ve been loving the programme with Stephen Fry travelling around each state in America. The scenery is so disparate and wonderful, with what seesm like limitless possibilities of exploration and discovery.

I had my eye on a fly drive holiday a while back: start from San Francisco, through Yosemite National Park, down through Death Valley. A stop in Las Vegas and then on through to Phoenix. The driving schedule looked fairly punishing (300+ miles per day) but the different landscapes to travel through would be stunning.

When will the godzookies have left home, so I can possibly make this a reality?


11 11 2008

Godzooky 2 is now getting homework! Her work is phonics and learning words. She’s showing a lot more interest than Godzooky 1!

She can’t wait to be able to read, she’s dying to sit down and read books by herself.

Her zest for life, and boundless enthusiasm counterpoints Godzooky 1’s attitude. He seems to be rapidly approaching his teenage years at the tender age of almost 9. I’ve noticed that he’s shot up again in height recently and is defintely losing his puppy fat. Actually he has never been fat (getting trousers to fit him on the waist has been a nightmare) but he has that look of someone who has been stretched out of shape.

He’s growing up far too fast, and developing terrible verbals tics: sucking his teeth and saying “Flipping H” every few minutes.

The need to fit in with his classmates is also developing. he is ultra cautious about admitting liking anything. and adopts a sneering tone about anything the other Godzookies like.

There may be trouble ahead….

Parents evening

7 11 2008

went swimmingly.

Godzooky 1 is doing really well in Maths, working about 18 months ahead of schedule. His only problem is presentation, as usual, his work is very slap dash, as he ploughs his way through his work.

Godzooky 2 got a glowing report. She’s one of the keenest in class, always with her hand up to answer questions. She’s also very caring apparently, and will rush to anyone who appears upset or is crying.

Her eagerness to learn is coming home with her. Every night I have to help her do some maths and spelling. I’m sure this won’t last, but we’re maximising things while we can.

Her only request for Christmas? Art materials, as she is “an artist”!

Remember, remember

6 11 2008

the 5th of November.

The fireworks passed without incident thankfully. It was a simple “one light” and watch job. They lasted about 40 seconds, so I’m glad they were free! The kids seemed to enjoy the sparklers more, and totally blew away my preconceived ideas that they’d be scared!

I was also amazed by how many hot dogs they managed to put away. It left the number left for me quite pitiful!

Tonight is parent’s evening, the first for Godzooky 2, although I have no doubts that she is doing well – she’s already writing out the whole alphabet by herself. I’m going to have to keep a close eye on her, she’s one smart cookie….