
28 02 2006

Today is the day when our cable tv is going to be reconnected.

Mrs Zilla has missed it tremendously, whereas I have hardly noticed it’s absence.

Well, alright that’s not strictly speaking true, I haven’t kept abreast with footballing events as I normally would.

and the lack of movie premieres on the film channels had meant that I’ve bought a couple of DVDs, but apart from that I’ve hardly noticed it’s absence.

It’ll be good to have it back if only to get some peace and quiet restored in the house.


28 02 2006

Today is the day when our cable tv is going to be reconnected.

Mrs Zilla has missed it tremendously, whereas I have hardly noticed it’s absence.

Well, alright that’s not strictly speaking true, I haven’t kept abreast with footballing events as I normally would.

and the lack of movie premieres on the film channels had meant that I’ve bought a couple of DVDs, but apart from that I’ve hardly noticed it’s absence.

It’ll be good to have it back if only to get some peace and quiet restored in the house.


28 02 2006

Today is the day when our cable tv is going to be reconnected.

Mrs Zilla has missed it tremendously, whereas I have hardly noticed it’s absence.

Well, alright that’s not strictly speaking true, I haven’t kept abreast with footballing events as I normally would.

and the lack of movie premieres on the film channels had meant that I’ve bought a couple of DVDs, but apart from that I’ve hardly noticed it’s absence.

It’ll be good to have it back if only to get some peace and quiet restored in the house.


28 02 2006

Today is the day when our cable tv is going to be reconnected.

Mrs Zilla has missed it tremendously, whereas I have hardly noticed it’s absence.

Well, alright that’s not strictly speaking true, I haven’t kept abreast with footballing events as I normally would.

and the lack of movie premieres on the film channels had meant that I’ve bought a couple of DVDs, but apart from that I’ve hardly noticed it’s absence.

It’ll be good to have it back if only to get some peace and quiet restored in the house.

Where does time go at the weekend?

27 02 2006

Another weekend flies by, and I wonder where the time went.

It certainly wasn’t spent sleeping!

The days seem to pass faster and faster, especially when you’re clock watching, trying to plan where and when to get to places taking into account feeds.

That said the latest addition to our family doesn’t yet have a routine. With the other two they soon settled into a regular habit of feeding every four hours or so, you know, like normal babies.

This one however works to his own agenda. Sometimes he’ll go for three or four hours between feeds, but just as you think there’s some sort of pattern developing he reverts to type and goes all random on you again.

Saturday day he was feeding almost every hour. Last week he consumed 16 ounces of milk within two hours!

He’s growing in line with his consumption habits as well. He was weighed last week and came in at 12lbs 6oz. So, in seven weeks, he’s almost put on 50% of his birth weight.

He’s already starting to outgrow his 0-3 months clothes, methinks he’s going to be a big lad.

He did stop feeding on Saturday in time for us to attend one of Godzooky 1’s classmates birthday party, from 4 till 6pm. It was actually the birthday of the girl he describes as his girlfriend, so he was particularly looking forward to it.

It was fancy dress, which entailed Godzooky 1 dressing up as a pirate, although his hat didn’t fit too well:

Godzooky 2 wanted her picture taking as well, and she did get to enjoy part of the party disco. She certainly enjoys music and dancing, the girl’s got rhythm!

There were over 40 children in attendance, which seemed like a lot, until you remember that the birthday girl’s mum works in a nursery, and is more than used to handling large numbers of children.

These fancy dress parties always make me smile. The boys all come dressed in various super hero outfits or cowboys, pirates, Peter Pan, Dracula etc etc

The girls cannot resist the opportunity to dress up, and all come as princesses, so you get a room full of 6 year olds, with attitude, all trying to be the Belle of the Ball.

Sunday was a whirlwind of visiting in-laws and friends, and now it’s already Monday morning and back to the grind.

Where does time go at the weekend?

27 02 2006

Another weekend flies by, and I wonder where the time went.

It certainly wasn’t spent sleeping!

The days seem to pass faster and faster, especially when you’re clock watching, trying to plan where and when to get to places taking into account feeds.

That said the latest addition to our family doesn’t yet have a routine. With the other two they soon settled into a regular habit of feeding every four hours or so, you know, like normal babies.

This one however works to his own agenda. Sometimes he’ll go for three or four hours between feeds, but just as you think there’s some sort of pattern developing he reverts to type and goes all random on you again.

Saturday day he was feeding almost every hour. Last week he consumed 16 ounces of milk within two hours!

He’s growing in line with his consumption habits as well. He was weighed last week and came in at 12lbs 6oz. So, in seven weeks, he’s almost put on 50% of his birth weight.

He’s already starting to outgrow his 0-3 months clothes, methinks he’s going to be a big lad.

He did stop feeding on Saturday in time for us to attend one of Godzooky 1’s classmates birthday party, from 4 till 6pm. It was actually the birthday of the girl he describes as his girlfriend, so he was particularly looking forward to it.

It was fancy dress, which entailed Godzooky 1 dressing up as a pirate, although his hat didn’t fit too well:

Godzooky 2 wanted her picture taking as well, and she did get to enjoy part of the party disco. She certainly enjoys music and dancing, the girl’s got rhythm!

There were over 40 children in attendance, which seemed like a lot, until you remember that the birthday girl’s mum works in a nursery, and is more than used to handling large numbers of children.

These fancy dress parties always make me smile. The boys all come dressed in various super hero outfits or cowboys, pirates, Peter Pan, Dracula etc etc

The girls cannot resist the opportunity to dress up, and all come as princesses, so you get a room full of 6 year olds, with attitude, all trying to be the Belle of the Ball.

Sunday was a whirlwind of visiting in-laws and friends, and now it’s already Monday morning and back to the grind.

Where does time go at the weekend?

27 02 2006

Another weekend flies by, and I wonder where the time went.

It certainly wasn’t spent sleeping!

The days seem to pass faster and faster, especially when you’re clock watching, trying to plan where and when to get to places taking into account feeds.

That said the latest addition to our family doesn’t yet have a routine. With the other two they soon settled into a regular habit of feeding every four hours or so, you know, like normal babies.

This one however works to his own agenda. Sometimes he’ll go for three or four hours between feeds, but just as you think there’s some sort of pattern developing he reverts to type and goes all random on you again.

Saturday day he was feeding almost every hour. Last week he consumed 16 ounces of milk within two hours!

He’s growing in line with his consumption habits as well. He was weighed last week and came in at 12lbs 6oz. So, in seven weeks, he’s almost put on 50% of his birth weight.

He’s already starting to outgrow his 0-3 months clothes, methinks he’s going to be a big lad.

He did stop feeding on Saturday in time for us to attend one of Godzooky 1’s classmates birthday party, from 4 till 6pm. It was actually the birthday of the girl he describes as his girlfriend, so he was particularly looking forward to it.

It was fancy dress, which entailed Godzooky 1 dressing up as a pirate, although his hat didn’t fit too well:

Godzooky 2 wanted her picture taking as well, and she did get to enjoy part of the party disco. She certainly enjoys music and dancing, the girl’s got rhythm!

There were over 40 children in attendance, which seemed like a lot, until you remember that the birthday girl’s mum works in a nursery, and is more than used to handling large numbers of children.

These fancy dress parties always make me smile. The boys all come dressed in various super hero outfits or cowboys, pirates, Peter Pan, Dracula etc etc

The girls cannot resist the opportunity to dress up, and all come as princesses, so you get a room full of 6 year olds, with attitude, all trying to be the Belle of the Ball.

Sunday was a whirlwind of visiting in-laws and friends, and now it’s already Monday morning and back to the grind.

Where does time go at the weekend?

27 02 2006

Another weekend flies by, and I wonder where the time went.

It certainly wasn’t spent sleeping!

The days seem to pass faster and faster, especially when you’re clock watching, trying to plan where and when to get to places taking into account feeds.

That said the latest addition to our family doesn’t yet have a routine. With the other two they soon settled into a regular habit of feeding every four hours or so, you know, like normal babies.

This one however works to his own agenda. Sometimes he’ll go for three or four hours between feeds, but just as you think there’s some sort of pattern developing he reverts to type and goes all random on you again.

Saturday day he was feeding almost every hour. Last week he consumed 16 ounces of milk within two hours!

He’s growing in line with his consumption habits as well. He was weighed last week and came in at 12lbs 6oz. So, in seven weeks, he’s almost put on 50% of his birth weight.

He’s already starting to outgrow his 0-3 months clothes, methinks he’s going to be a big lad.

He did stop feeding on Saturday in time for us to attend one of Godzooky 1’s classmates birthday party, from 4 till 6pm. It was actually the birthday of the girl he describes as his girlfriend, so he was particularly looking forward to it.

It was fancy dress, which entailed Godzooky 1 dressing up as a pirate, although his hat didn’t fit too well:

Godzooky 2 wanted her picture taking as well, and she did get to enjoy part of the party disco. She certainly enjoys music and dancing, the girl’s got rhythm!

There were over 40 children in attendance, which seemed like a lot, until you remember that the birthday girl’s mum works in a nursery, and is more than used to handling large numbers of children.

These fancy dress parties always make me smile. The boys all come dressed in various super hero outfits or cowboys, pirates, Peter Pan, Dracula etc etc

The girls cannot resist the opportunity to dress up, and all come as princesses, so you get a room full of 6 year olds, with attitude, all trying to be the Belle of the Ball.

Sunday was a whirlwind of visiting in-laws and friends, and now it’s already Monday morning and back to the grind.


24 02 2006

A story from the news yesterday totally shocked me.

A small girl, aged 3 was run over while crossing the road.

She was hit by a driver who was in a stolen car, driving without insurance or even a valid driving licence. He didn’t stop after the accident, but later turned himself in to the police.

Yesterday he was sentenced to jail : 12 weeks

As if that wasn’t enough of a slap in the face for her family, I saw her mum on a news programme. Apparently there was a collection of flowers and cuddly toys laid near where the girl died.

Someone stole one of the teddies, and he also was caught and prosecuted.

He got 8 months in jail for that.

How can that be comparable?


24 02 2006

A story from the news yesterday totally shocked me.

A small girl, aged 3 was run over while crossing the road.

She was hit by a driver who was in a stolen car, driving without insurance or even a valid driving licence. He didn’t stop after the accident, but later turned himself in to the police.

Yesterday he was sentenced to jail : 12 weeks

As if that wasn’t enough of a slap in the face for her family, I saw her mum on a news programme. Apparently there was a collection of flowers and cuddly toys laid near where the girl died.

Someone stole one of the teddies, and he also was caught and prosecuted.

He got 8 months in jail for that.

How can that be comparable?