Time flies by

8 09 2009

when you’re the driver of a train, or so the children’s tv theme goes. It also goes really quickly when you’re a parent.

Yesterday Godzooky 3 started nursery, the nursery attached to his school that is. He only goes for half a day, but it does require full school uniform now.

Which proved interesting when we took him for his induction last week. The nursery teacher is new to the school, and coincidentally the only male teacher in the school, and as such blissfully unaware of the track record Godzooky 3 has.

He’s a well known character throughout the school, as he certainly isn’t backwards in coming forwards, or basically is into everything and wants to know everyone.

As we approached the nursery last week we were greeted by Mr Wild (hopefully with that name he can cope with the new influx of small people!) who tried to direct us to the Reception classroom next door – for the children a year older than Godzooky 3!

It only became really apparent to me why he’d made this error when his new classmates arrived (there were only about half a dozen being inititaed at the same time) and Godzooky 3 literally stands head and shoulders above them in a physical sense.

I don’t think of him as being particularly big for his age, although we did get a slight inkling when we went to buy new school shoes. He takes a bigger size shoe than his sister, who is 18 months older. It was still quite a shock, seeing that difference in size. It’s left me slightly worried about how he’ll act towards the other kids : he takes no crap off his older brother (who’s 9 now) and will happily trade blows with him. I don’t want him to act like that around smaller children!

Still, all went wel on the first day apparently, no tears on getting left by mum, unlike a couple of kids who cried for the whole 3 hours apparently! He loved it and couldn’t wait to go back today, so it seems to be a good start….