Harvey’s Vegetables

2 10 2009

I was greeted with great excitement by my youngest son last night.

He’s still loving nursery, and wanting to get involved in anything he can.

He started babbling about having to take something in for Harvey, a look at my wife only solicited a wry smile.

I calmed him down and asked him to repeat it slowly:

Him:”I’ve got to take something in for Harvey at nursery!”

Me: “O-k, who is Harvey?”

H: “I don’t know, but we’ve got to take something in for him”

M: “O-k, what do you have to take in?”

H: “Vegetables!”

M: “Ah, is that for printing pictures with?” (laughter from my wife, and a puzzled look from him)

H: “No, it’s got to be in cans!”

M: “Cans? Why cans?”

H: ” Teacher said we have to bring vegetable in cans for Harvey”

My wife then stepped in to explain, that it’s for the Harvest Festival at school, and he’s got to take in tinned goods

H: “YES! That’s what I said Harvey’s vegetables!”

Harvest Festival and Harvey’s vegetables aren’t a million miles apart I guess….