
30 05 2008

just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse around here, at work, they manage to pull another surprise out of the bag.

We’re moving buildings again, only 16 months after moving into this one! Only this time, it’s just our department that’s moving.

To make way for a project team delivering the new computer system.

That’s a finance department, who liaise with every other department on a daily basis, and issue petty cash, being moved to another site in favour of a short term stand alone project team.

It’s supposed to be until November this year, when we will then return to this building.

The title of the post says it all.

On the positive side, it means less hassle form other departments and it will force me to archive stuff that I should have done ages ago!


29 05 2008

the problem with taking time off is that nobody does your work for you. So now I have to condense 10 days work into 3 days, with month end deadlines looming far too close.

Enough of work though, especially as I’m still awaiting information about my job evaluation status.

I’m missing my carefree days of the last week, where my only concern was making the godzookies laugh, soothing bumps and grazes, and being a tickle monster.

Some of these skills are transferable to the office, but I’m not sure I’ve picked the right ones yet!

It’s sort of good to be back

28 05 2008

I’ve enjoyed my break away from the blogosphere, and I’m left with the problem of trying to cram lots of event sinto a few posts before time passes by quickly.

Suffice to say that we had a lovely break in the Lakes, with only minor sunburn for me (sunny weather coupled with high winds meant I didn’t feel myself burning) but the kids were suitably slathered in sun cream.

They experience a few new things, the chief of them being a pony ride. I wasn’t sure if they’d be scared, but the things were so docile that was never a prospect.

Anyway, I must visit my favourite sites and catch up with news, oh, and deal with the hundred and odd emails in my inbox!


19 05 2008

I almost forgot, I won’t be around until the 28 May, as I’m enjoying some time off work. Hooray!

If only

19 05 2008

all birthdays could be as good as the one you have when you’re 4.

We had a party for Godzooky 2, but her needs and wants were really simple. She loved each and every one of her gifts, with a simple and genuine appreciation of everything she received.

The simple words of “thankyou mummy and daddy” and a hug were an unbelievable reward for doing simple things for her.

I wish the years didn’t strip away such feelings and attitudes.

Putting it simply: I love you my perfect little daughter and always will.

Happy Birthday

16 05 2008

to Godzooky 2 who turns 4 tomorrow.

I’m hoping to make it a special and wonderful day for her tomorrow.

Despite my lack of personal enthusiasm, she has the desired Wedding Barbie that she wanted, and as a special surprise I’ve also got her Groom Ken.

I only hope the two of them behave themselves on honeymoon!

These may be presents that Godzooky 1 doesn’t try to prise from her grip, which will be a bonus!

I’m sure he loves her deep down, he’s just finding it hard to demonstrate at the moment!

Another year older

15 05 2008

and time seems to be passing ever quicker.

My birthday turned into a bit of a nightmare.

Things went wrong at work, so I was late leaving, then due to the 150,000 drunken football fans I had to trek across the city to get a tram home.

Clearly my days of exciting presents are long gone: I got a book from my wife, underwear from my mother-in-law and a work shirt from my mother.

Still, Godzooky 2 did make me a lovely card at school, that coupled with a hug from her made my day.

Happy Birthday

14 05 2008

to me.

Scarily it’s my last in my 30s

My midlife crisis must be looming anytime now.

No birthday lunchtime drinks though.

Manchester is hosting the UEFA Cup Final tonight and there are roughly 100,000 football fans clogging all areas and bars!


So it’ll be a quiet one for me.

Probably just as well at my age!



12 05 2008

a visit to my brother-in-law and no news of a new fiancee!


The weekend was slightly disappointing weather wise. Saturday was nice, but Sunday there was rumblings of thunder all afternoon, yet no sight of lightning or rain. Weird.

Speaking of lightning, here’s another fascinating fact: do you know how many times a day the Earth is struck by lightning?

On average, around 27 million times!

Surely we should be finding some way of harnessing such energy? 

The beauty

9 05 2008

of a bank holiday is that it makes for a short week.

I also feel as though I’ve accomplished quite a lot this week, despite another full day devoted to the new systems workshop.

I’ve managed to despatch both the external and internal auditors that have been scrutinising my areas of work.

I’m also ahead of schedule (for once) with my tasks, although I do have to start scheduling performance reviews for my staff.

Sadly the good weather seems to be changing just in time for the weekend.
