House Hunting

27 04 2005

Work is so dull and tedious at the moment (and that’s an Accountant talking!) that I am resigned to blogging about home life for now.

Home life being an apposite term at the moment, given my wife’s new found lust for moving house. This came as a bit of a shock to me, especially as we found her “dream” home a mere two and a half years ago. OK, technically two and a half years isn’t exactly a short time, it’s longer than an “A” Level course, but it’s sooner than I was hoping to move again.

Moving house for me is similar to childbirth for women, (cue indignant gasps from any women reading this, but I did say similar) in that I find it incredibly uncomfortable, it drags on for what seems like an eternity and the painful memories stay with me for a long time.

My wife is requesting, nay demanding a move because of the difficulty in delivering our son to school. This involves bus journeys to and from school (she is a non driver) taking our 11 month old daughter along for the ride. So she, sorry we, are aiming to move to a house within walking distance of the school. This is narrowing the potential house market somewhat!

I am now resigned to truding round people’s houses for the next few weeks, listening to their stories as to why they actually wanted a damp patch on their ceiling, with me nodding along, appearing to be the complete idiot they clearly think I am.

I will update the progress….

The Big Sleep

13 04 2005

Not strictly work related, but it sure as hell is going to affect my work today!

In my experience there are distinctly different types of people when it comes to sleeping. There are those who only have to look at a pillow and they fall swiftly into the land of nod, sleep like a baby and awake totally refreshed. On the other end of the scale are insomniacs, who I really feel for, it must be a terrible affliction.

Inbetween these extremes is a sliding scale of ease of falling asleep and quality sleep achieved. I fall into the category of falling asleep fairly easily, but once waken find it nigh on impossible to return to sleep.

Fortunately for her, my wife finds it all too easy to sleep. Before now she has even fallen asleep standing up, in a busy pub at last orders. Upon her deciding it’s time for sleep it is like watching an animal being tranquilised;normal behaviour suddenly gives way to a slumbering beast, and I use the adjective deliberately!

Which brings me to the events of last night, which started like any other, but ended in a sleepless state pour moi. At approximately 2.30am I was awoken by a sharp elbow applied liberally to my ribs. Upon rousing myself my wife informed that she could hear something downstairs, it could be a burglar!

Now, we live in the suburbs of a large city, and crime is not unknown, but our house is permanently on Amber Alert status. This due primarily to my wife having suffered a burglary as a child and therefore possessing a heightened awareness of the issues involved. In fact she could be used by Crime Prevention initiatives as an ambassador, such is her zeal for security issues.

I’m not suggesting that we sleep in a hermetically sealed panic room, but we have all the requisite mortice locks, window locks, functioning alarm, motion detecting spotlights etc. etc. I rejected the request for razor wire over the fence.

So at my wife’s behest I am sent to discover the source of the nocturnal noise by carrying out a security sweep of the area. I sleep naked, partly for comfort, partly from habit but mainly in the hope that it may cause carnal desires to emenate from my wife. I should know by now of course that the mere sight of my body is not going to cause such an effect, but that is irrelevant to the situation.

By now I have come round somewhat, and the reality of my situation starts to sink in: I am creeping naked downstairs to confront some potential homicidal maniac. All the stories I have been told in the past come flooding back in technicolour clarity. That bloke at work who told me that he never woke up, but found a huge carving knife on his stairs in the morning following a burglary. The police told him they’d put it there to stab him if he’d gone down stairs – nice.

So I resolve to shout out a warning to any would be assassin, I don’t want to end up like Tony Martin, not that I have a shotgun, but I’ve seen the Vulcan Death Grip performed, and I’m not afraid to try it. My warning cry is intended to make any burglar flee, but only serves to convince my wife that there really is someone in the house – cue minor hysterics.

The lack of response from downstairs convinces me that no-one is there, and I am also fairly confident that the sight of me naked would confuse a burglar, giving me enough time to take manly decisive action, whatever that may be. I stride purposefully around the house and ascertain that there has been no breach of the perimeter defences and nothing has been disturbed.

I return to the bedroom, allay my wife’s fears and turn the light back off. Within seconds, literally seconds, I can hear her gentle snores begin. This from a woman who had visions of rape, pillage and murder minutes before. The stark reality hits me – there is no way I’m getting back to sleep, I look at the glowing numbers on my bedside clock – 2.41am – I groan inwardly.

This reminds me of the time my wife woke me at some ungodly hour to demand “Well!?” It transpired that she had been dreaming about asking me a question, and woke me up to ask it, promptly forgetting what the question was. Again she was asleep in minutes leaving me to watch the numbers change on the clock.

Today is going to be a long day…..

The Big Sleep

13 04 2005

Not strictly work related, but it sure as hell is going to affect my work today!

In my experience there are distinctly different types of people when it comes to sleeping. There are those who only have to look at a pillow and they fall swiftly into the land of nod, sleep like a baby and awake totally refreshed. On the other end of the scale are insomniacs, who I really feel for, it must be a terrible affliction.

Inbetween these extremes is a sliding scale of ease of falling asleep and quality sleep achieved. I fall into the category of falling asleep fairly easily, but once waken find it nigh on impossible to return to sleep.

Fortunately for her, my wife finds it all too easy to sleep. Before now she has even fallen asleep standing up, in a busy pub at last orders. Upon her deciding it’s time for sleep it is like watching an animal being tranquilised;normal behaviour suddenly gives way to a slumbering beast, and I use the adjective deliberately!

Which brings me to the events of last night, which started like any other, but ended in a sleepless state pour moi. At approximately 2.30am I was awoken by a sharp elbow applied liberally to my ribs. Upon rousing myself my wife informed that she could hear something downstairs, it could be a burglar!

Now, we live in the suburbs of a large city, and crime is not unknown, but our house is permanently on Amber Alert status. This due primarily to my wife having suffered a burglary as a child and therefore possessing a heightened awareness of the issues involved. In fact she could be used by Crime Prevention initiatives as an ambassador, such is her zeal for security issues.

I’m not suggesting that we sleep in a hermetically sealed panic room, but we have all the requisite mortice locks, window locks, functioning alarm, motion detecting spotlights etc. etc. I rejected the request for razor wire over the fence.

So at my wife’s behest I am sent to discover the source of the nocturnal noise by carrying out a security sweep of the area. I sleep naked, partly for comfort, partly from habit but mainly in the hope that it may cause carnal desires to emenate from my wife. I should know by now of course that the mere sight of my body is not going to cause such an effect, but that is irrelevant to the situation.

By now I have come round somewhat, and the reality of my situation starts to sink in: I am creeping naked downstairs to confront some potential homicidal maniac. All the stories I have been told in the past come flooding back in technicolour clarity. That bloke at work who told me that he never woke up, but found a huge carving knife on his stairs in the morning following a burglary. The police told him they’d put it there to stab him if he’d gone down stairs – nice.

So I resolve to shout out a warning to any would be assassin, I don’t want to end up like Tony Martin, not that I have a shotgun, but I’ve seen the Vulcan Death Grip performed, and I’m not afraid to try it. My warning cry is intended to make any burglar flee, but only serves to convince my wife that there really is someone in the house – cue minor hysterics.

The lack of response from downstairs convinces me that no-one is there, and I am also fairly confident that the sight of me naked would confuse a burglar, giving me enough time to take manly decisive action, whatever that may be. I stride purposefully around the house and ascertain that there has been no breach of the perimeter defences and nothing has been disturbed.

I return to the bedroom, allay my wife’s fears and turn the light back off. Within seconds, literally seconds, I can hear her gentle snores begin. This from a woman who had visions of rape, pillage and murder minutes before. The stark reality hits me – there is no way I’m getting back to sleep, I look at the glowing numbers on my bedside clock – 2.41am – I groan inwardly.

This reminds me of the time my wife woke me at some ungodly hour to demand “Well!?” It transpired that she had been dreaming about asking me a question, and woke me up to ask it, promptly forgetting what the question was. Again she was asleep in minutes leaving me to watch the numbers change on the clock.

Today is going to be a long day…..

Team Briefing

12 04 2005

a new and exciting form of information dissemination. In the past we were told nothing by our Executive Board, things “just happened”, a bit like natural disasters. By the time you were aware of a problem it was too late, all that you could do was initiate an emergency relief programme. As in life generally, these tended to be too little, too late.

Now we have Team Briefs, as the nomenclature implies, these involve the whole department (or team) gathering to be briefed by our Director. The word “brief” should in no way be confused with the concept of a short length of time. These are obviously designed to ensure that our attention spans should be tested to the extreme, a bit like one of those cetrifugal testing machines, where your head is made to spin with the banality and absurdity of the information deemed to be important enough to be imparted.

A new and exciting development occurred during yesterday’s Brief, a team member actually fell asleep, not in a snoring slumbering way, but more of a oops I shut my eyes and drifted off method. Cunningly the guilty party had located herself directly next to the Director, thus ensuring no direct eye contact and the realisation of the fact that she was indeed asleep.

For myself and several others this created a novel way of enduring the Team Brief – would the sleeping party betray herself? Every twitch and nod of the head was greeted by a wall of faces almost willing a revelation. Alas the slouching did not reach the critical angle to ensure hilarity, and the sound of the meeting breaking up roused her without incident.

Denial soon followed when accusations were made. She had apparently closed her eyes to focus on the words, seemingly forgetting her prior claims to be partially deaf, and normally requesting that when talking to her it is vital that she can also read your lips.

A more malicious person would have made up information that she somehow had missed, sorry, I mean a more malicious person would have made up more malicious information that she missed than I did.

One and a half hours were taken up to tell us that the Organisational Realignment that we are currently undertaking is taking longer than previously expected. Oh and Management Accounts have formalised their Year End Plan, with a timetable available to interested parties. Somehow I don’t think Sting will be worried about trees being cut down for that little gem.

Virgin Territory

11 04 2005

Having stumbled across the world of Blogs I have decided to dip my toe in the water.

Quite what this will be I am unsure at this stage, the first guage of it’s usefulness or effectiveness will be how often I post!