Who compiles these things?

31 07 2008

and why?

The Top 15 Google street Images

This is plain freaky

30 07 2008

Another weird and wonderful news story

Mutating livestock

My only hope is that the family make some cash out of this!

Hooray for the NHS

30 07 2008

Godzooky 2 was seen at a walk in clinic this morning, prescribed some magic cream, which was duly picked up from the pharmacist.

Two weeks of cream up nose and then a cauterisation which she’s booked in for.

Sometimes I can’t knock having a free health service.

The topsy turvy

29 07 2008

style of my life continues.

Cable tv was fixed early yesterday, and we received a new cable box to rectify the problem. Result!

Unfortunatley soon after I got home Godzooky 2 had a nose bleed that just wouldn’t stop, after 30 minutes of tryin to stem the blood I was despatched with her to the local casualty department.

I was horrified to see the queue out of the door as we approached, but managed to get her “checked in” and await the triage nurse. Clearly the nice weather yesterday prompted a lot of accidents!

My horror multiplied when the screen informing patients of teh average wait time went from two hours to four hours!

Thankfully the bleeding finally stopped, Godzooky 2 didn’t want to spend any longer there (me neither, given the sweatbox like conditions!), so I told the receptionist we were going home and we’d make a doctor’s appointment this morning.

Thankfully we managed to get her in this morning and she’s been referred to the hospital tomorrow. She’s been having small nose bleeds for the last week or so, but nothing on the scale of last nights “nasal niagra”.

As a child I suffered terribly with nosebleeds, until my nose was cauterised. Another genetical legacy I’ve possibly inflicted her with….

Gadget heaven

28 07 2008

My mission to acquire a new tv was successful, in the main part at least, although it came at the cost of some personal suffering for Godzooky 3: he managed to fall over in the shop and suffer a nose bleed. Thankfully he’s that age where they just bounce back and get on with things!

I ended up spending a little more than I intended, although I did end up with a much better spec than I thought I might get. A price reduction saw me end up with a full 1080p HDTV, rather than the luke warm version I thought I might have to settle for. I am now fully future proof (until the next innovation!)

A quick check on the interweb reveals that i got a good price too, so I am a happy bunny in the main.

Of course, being my life, there is always bad news waiting to ambush me round the corner: I got the tv all set up and started to enjoy the wonderous new picture quality, when the cable tv cut out!

Typical! Still, it meant that I had to utilise more of the stunning Xbox graphics – some truly great picture quality to appreciate.

I am informed that the cable man has been and sorted out the problem, so our new normal service will be resumed tonight!

I may well end up a couch potato….

I’m looking forward to the weekend

25 07 2008

as I am going gadget shopping – on my agenda is a new tv, something HD ready (with the digital switch over due in our area very soon) and sleek and sexy.

I’m a sucker for gadgets, they are my weakness (along with music and books)

I’m positively gagging to get out there and peruse the shiny wonders….

Lighter news

24 07 2008

I don’t want to make this a depressing and dreary blog, so I’m not just going to focus on the bad events surrounding me!

I went to Godzooky 1’s sports day on Tuesday. They haven’t yet caved in to these new politically correct times, and still have competitive games. One of my colleagues’ children had a sports day and there weren’t allowed to be any winners and losers, because “everyone is equal and trying their best”.

I’m sorry but I believe that a little competition is healthy and gives children targets to achieve. Life isn’t equal and the sooner they learn that the better, in my opinion.

Anyway, back to Tuesday. We arrived to pick up Godzooky 2 from nursery and watched the end of the infant’s sports day, which was good fun, with lots of smiles and laughter all round.

Families were invited to take a picnic and have it on the school field, which was really nice – seeing the kids interact with each other and sharing their “goodies”. The youngest godzookies loved feeling part of the older children’s day, and getting that grown up feeling (although they paid the price for not getting their afternoon naps!)

Typically just as the junior sports began it started to drizzle; but at least it had been dry for the picnic! We all joined in with cheering for children we knew, but whose parents hadn’t been able to make it.

Godzooky 2 has a rather unorthodox running style, but managed a respectable second and third in the races he took part in. Overall his team finished second, though it was a close run thing.

I felt really hot all afternoon, despite the constant drizzle, and when we got home I realised why: I’d been sunburnt – despite the rain!

It shows what a state our weather is in; total cloud cover, a steady drizzle and yet I managed to get burnt!

This last week of school has been a fun one for the kids. Godzooky 1 had a class party yesterday and Godzooky 2 is having a Teddy Bear’s Picnic today. I love seeing them so excited by such simple things!

Set back

23 07 2008

Grandma Zilla’s visit from the cancer nurse did not go well.

Whilst she is healing nicely, she was informed that the surgeon didn’t remove enough tissue.

So she’s now booked back in for more surgery in a couple of weeks.

This has devastated her, understandably. All her fears of surgery going wrong, picking up infections, knowing the pain and discomfort she has to face again.

Another blow is the fact that this will put back the radiation therapy another month too.

I don’t know what to say to her, nothing seems vaguely appropriate or helpful.

Last week

21 07 2008

of school for the two oldest Godzookies, and Godzooky 2 will be going full time from September.

They both got their class reports on Friday, and both were excellent. Godzooky 1 is no slouch, but I’ve got a feeling that Godzooky 2 is going to outstrip him. She’s so switched on, nothing gets past her.

I took them both out on Saturday to buy them books as a reward for getting good reports. Somehow I also ended up buying new trainers for Godzooky 1 and a dress for Godzooky 2!

I must be a soft touch!

Grandma Zilla is experiencing a lot more discomfort now the bruising is coming out from her operation, and she is getting a visit form the breast cancer nurse today for a check up and an update on her treatment.

I’m hoping for a continued run of good news….

Training Day

18 07 2008

Yesterday I attended the head office of the new firm I’m going to be working for, to be trained.

I had to get a train there, which was my first rail trip this year. I managed to get myself to the station very early and caught an earlier train, on the basis taht you never know when they’re going to be cancelled!

This got me to the location VERY early, and the weather was appalling, but there was a shopping centre I could wander round.

There was only me and one other person getting trained; Dave, a nice young lad, who told me he was going back to college to re-do his GCSEs. He went up in my estimation when he guessed my age at 12 years less than it really is!

He’s either half blind, a born flatterer or I must be wearing well!

The training was very straightforward – basically I’ll be scanning bets into a computer system and “translating” them: allocating stake money to actual possible outcomes.

After the computer training we were taken to the stadium where we’ll be working. It’s HUGE and full of little corridrs and cubby holes, which made it slightly intimidating, although I have a pretty good sense of direction, so long term I’m not worried!

I’ve got my operations manual to read up on and will pick up my security pass on the first day I work: 6th August. That should be a fairly quiet game, so hopefully my baptism won’t be too bad!

I was finished just in time to walk down to the kids’ school and meet them as the day finished, which was a nice surprise for them.