(Sort of) Winter Wonderland

21 12 2007

The hard frost we’ve had has turned everything white, without there being snow.

 It feels really festive: white and cold!

This is my last post until I return on Jan 2nd

 So for the lunatics that stop by here and read this drivel, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Fully expect my first post in the New Year to be about a Wii related injury!

I’ll try to catch up

20 12 2007

with the last few days now.

Yesterday I had to put up a new curtain track, teh old one having been ripped down by the Godzookies playing hide and seek and generally swinging on the curtains. Harsh words were said along with threats of no presents from Santa!

The do was very good. The food was excellent, allaying my fears of mass catered events being rubbish.

The only slight problem was the lack of draught beer in the restaurant. This meant resorting to bottles, and unfortunately, or fortunately they had a wide selection of Belgian beers.

I drank quite a few Duvels, forgetting that they’re 8.5% proof.

I managed to side step some female interest in me, although a colleague appeared quite happy to step into the breach!

I made my way home around midnight, before things got too messy, but some hardier souls lasted until 4am at a karaoke bar.

Suffice to say that they were in quite a state yesterday!

Now I need to rush off to the shops, as Grandma Zilla has finally revealed her Christmas gift wish. A CD by some dodgy sounding bloke I’ve never heard of: Josh Groban

Tomorrow will be my last day around the blogosphere this side of the New Year, so I hope to call around everyone’s “homes”….


19 12 2007

short post.

 This time because I have a lunchtime meeting and then need to go early, to repair the curtain track that the Godzookies destroyed yesterday.

I survived the Chritmas do, and details should follow tomorrow….

does this count as suspense?

I’ll try

18 12 2007

to stay away from the potentially fatal topic of household politics today.

It was just still not sitting right with me, even after a weekend. Getting home on a Friday and being faced with a pile of pots that need cleaning before I could start to cook, just annoyed me.

 Today is the day of our office party, and I’m not honestly in the mood for it.

I’m hoping that a few drinks after work will get me in the party spirit….

Quick post

17 12 2007

today, as I’m off to the European Markets for some festive fun.

A random question, for those readers who are female and spend a lot of time at home: what should I expect from my wife in terms of housework?

 I should put this into some sort of context; whilst I appreciate it’s not easy to look after small children and run a household, should I arrive home to be confronted by dirty dishes, which I then have to wash up before then cooking the evening meal? 

The Play

14 12 2007

was actually quite good.

The nativity was told using fairly modern songs, and the assembled cast danced down the aisles of the church, keeping it lively.

I’m assuming this was to keep everyone awake, given the late hour of it’s start. Perhaps this was also the reason for the church being freezing, to prevent sleep?

Godzooky 1 had a limited role: one of the sheep that the shepherds tend!

He made up for his bit part on stage by dancing like a lunatic in the aisles though. I suspect this was in an effort to sjow off to his siblings.

Both of whom stayed remarkably focused on the play. Godzooky 2 even asked one person in front to sit down as he was obscuring her view: “Excuse me, can you sit down please, I can’t see”.

Very polite and very cute.

Godzooky 3 loved the songs and was nodding along to the songs and clapping in time with the rest of the audience.

Unfortunatley I hav ehad to miss Godzooky 2’s infant nativity today, due to work commitments.

We were unsure as to what role she was playing. Last week she told us she was an angel, then on Monday when asked what her costume was like, she replied “It’s brown.”

So I asked her if she was a shepherd, and she said yes, she looked after the sheep.

Mrs Zilla rang me before, and apparently she was actually a wise man in the play. It turns out that she had been all these various roles, as she had adapted to different parts as people had been missing during the week!

I look forward to seeing the pictures tonight.

Festive moments

13 12 2007

Tonight is my first festive foray – Godzooky 1’s Christmas Carol Concert.

Can’t quite believe that it’s not starting till 7.30 though. The kids are usually in bed by then, so I’m hoping that they won’t get too tired and restless.

Then there’s our office party to look forward to, next Tuesday. We’ve been banned from having afternoon parties this year, so it’s a night time event.

What I think they have failed to calculate is the potential damage of allowing people several hours drinking time after work, before the meal starts. It could get messy, especially knowing some of the attendees!

Memory lane

12 12 2007

and a trip I had down it last night.

 I was despatched to the supermarket last night, to pick up some odds and ends that Mrs Zilla had forgotten.

On my way out I noticed a new building that had sprung up nearby: a Krispy Kreme doughnut shop.

My first and only experience of Krispy Kreme came in Las Vegas when we were there getting married.

We were staying in the Luxor, and any trip down the strip normally involved walking through a couple of the other hotels.

On the way, we would pass a Krispy Kreme concession. The smell was always overpoweringly sickly, with the sweet fumes pervading the atmospehere.

Seeing the sign last night took me right back to those magical days.

I may have to venture inside when it opens, just to experience the olfactory assault again.

A lovely

11 12 2007

afternoon yesterday.

Grandma Zilla came down for the day, so we had an afternoon and evening of family fun.

I had a stroke of luck finding a Wii controller, which appear to be rarer than hen’s teeth. So that’s another Christmas trauma sorted.

I still can’t quite believe that there only 8 more working days for me to go. Hooray!

The Weekend

7 12 2007

at last.

This week seems to have dragged, probably not helped by my topsy-turvy moods.

Grandma Zilla is visiting this weekend, so that may bring some light relief.

Can’t believe how close Christmas now is, it seems to be sneaking up on me.

Only two more weeks of work to go