Away day

29 02 2008

for Mothers’ Day

Off to visit Grandma Zilla, just in time for Mothers Day.

It’ll be nice to spoil her for once rather than Mrs Zilla, who gets spoilt on a daily basis!

On a personally miffed note, why is it that schools get kids to make Mothers Day cards, but us dads gets left out of the equation?

The cheek of it

28 02 2008

My lovely wife mentioned the words middle aged when referring to me last night!

I realise that I’m not getting any younger, but I certainly don’t associate myself with that term just yet.

I was so shocked that I didn’t even put her in her place by mentioning how I still play sport every week, listen to more new music than she does, have my own blog etc etc

Whilst I have no problem with growing old gracefully I guess I just don’t see myself as middle aged, even if in reality I am fast approaching that stage of life.

Perhaps I’ll accept I’m middle aged shortly.

At least it seems acceptable these days to still wear jeans when you reach a “certain age”, as I’d be lost otherwise.

Slacks just don’t do it for me, 


27 02 2008

for mothers day can take up most of your lunch hour.

And yet you still don’t think you’ve bought the right thing!

Still not inspired

26 02 2008

so here’s some news from last week:

Have you got a G Spot?

I can see a major drain on NHS resources from this new development, as queues form to discover if they’re one of the lucky ones!

 Seriously for second, I do actually believe in it’s existence, purely from the reactions I’ve seen in the past.

Obviously it also explains why I haven’t been quite as successful with some partners in the past, they just lacked the G-Spot and it wa snothing to do with my prowess 🙂 

I felt

25 02 2008

quite inspired this morning, but work seems to have dragged all my spirit out of me.

So, instead of being eloquent and interesting I’ve got little to offer.

We had one of Godzooky 1’s friends sleepover on Friday, our first ever sleepover.

It went fairly well, with minimal messing about from the kids, although they didn’t get as much sleep as they needed, which became evident as Saturday wore on!

We got a new fish to replace the one that died, this time we got one that was a decent size, if not as cute.

I hope my previous mood returns and work doesn’t sap any more out of me….


22 02 2008

another one purloined from another site:

1. What is in the back seat of your car right now?Two child seats, a pair of child’s sunglasses and a small teddy bear, I think.

2. When was the last time you threw up?

When I was ill the other month

3. What’s your favorite curse word?

It fluctuates depending on my mood, fuck or wanker tends to predominate though 4. Name 3 people who made you smile today?

My daughter first thing, she’s not a “morning person”, someone at work who walked into a door and a blogger posting pictures of their nostrils
5. What were you doing at 8 am this morning?

Sitting at my desk at work

6. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?

Sitting at my desk at work

7. What will you be doing 3 hours from now?Sitting at my desk at work, déjà vu anyone?

8. Have you ever been to a strip club?

Yes, one in Amsterdam (it was my stag weekend!) and a rather seedy one on someone else’s stag do (you don’t want to know the details believe me!)
9. What is the last thing you said aloud?


10. What is the best ice cream flavor?

Mint choc chip, or maybe some cookie dough type thing, or maybe neapolitan… oh I don’t know!

11. What was the last thing you had to drink?


12. What are you wearing right now?

Jeans, t shirt and a jumper (it’s dress down Friday, woo hoo!)

13. What was the last thing you ate?

A sandwich for lunch

14. Have you bought any new clothing items this week?


15. When was the last time you ran?

Monday, playing football with my son in the park

16. What’s the last sporting event you watched?

 FA Cup match Sheffield United v Middlesbrough (My team) result : 0-0, a very dull game

18. Who is the last person you emailed?

What happened to 17? I last emailed a work colleague.

 19. Ever go camping?

Yes, but not for over 15 years

20. Do you have a tan?Same one as a vampire

21, 22 & 23?

24. Do you drink your soda from a straw?

Soda? You mean pop! Generally no, but occasionally

25. What did your last IM say?

I’m waiting for my first!

26. Are you someone’s best friend?

I hope so

27. What are you doing tomorrow?

Buying a new fish

28. Where is your mom right now?

I would imagine in her house, but I don’t have her tagged or anything, so I can’t be 100% sure 29. Look to your left, what do you see?

A  pile of papers and beyond that a work colleague

30. What color is your watch?

I don’t wear one anymore

31. What do you think of when you think of Australia ?

Rolf Harris, kangaroos, Kylie Minogue’s bottom

32. Would you consider plastic surgery?

Rather than real surgery? No way!

33. What is your birthstone?

Shit, is this the precursor to a headstone? Somewhere in the Lakes then maybe?

34. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? 

Well I normally either park or drive past the serving window, I try to avoid hitting anything whilst driving

35.How many kids do you want?

Some days none, then it varies between 1 and the actual 3 I have

36. Do you have a dog?

There’s a joke about my wife somewhere there, but I’ll sidestep it: No

37. Last person you talked to on the phone?

A bloke called Roger in a sales outlet in Wythenshawe

38. Have you met anyone famous?


Oh, you want names?

David Beckham (pranged my car the fool) Mark Viduka (another footballer) Tony Wilson (owner of the Hacienda, sadly now deceased) and a few others whose names escape me. Manchester is quite the celeb hangout sometimes and I am advancing in years.

39. Any plans today?

Other than finishing this and world domination? No

40. How many states have you lived in?

Concious, semi-concious, sober, drunk etc etc

41. Ever go to college?

Yes, I even graduated

42. Where are you right now?

At work

43. Biggest annoyance in your life right now? My wife (oh dear)44. Last song listened to?

Yesterday Once More – the Carpenters song covered by Cinerama

45? 46. Are you allergic to anything?Work? In reality pollen sometimes

47. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?

Trainers probably, if pushed to name something, but I don’t really like to have favourites, it makes the others jealous.

48. Are you jealous of anyone?

Specific? No. But anyone with lots of money and having lots of sex is to be envied right now


50. Is anyone jealous of you?

Very doubtful

51. What time is it?


52. Do any of your friends have children?

Yes, of course, my friends aren’t all priests, nuns and monks!   

53. Do you eat healthy?


54. What do you usually do during the day?


55. Do you hate anyone right now?

Not right now

56. Do you use the word ‘hello’ daily?

No, I prefer Ahoy hoy, a la Mr Burns in The Simpsons Oi, where’s 57 as well?

58. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?

EEK: 39! No, I mean 25, honest! 59. Have you ever been to Six Flags?

No, should I? What’s there? Apart from the flags? 60. How did you get one of your scars?

Falling off my bike as a kid, scraping my knee, and then picking the scab off.

Fish Update

21 02 2008

The little cute one has died.

Godzooky 2 has taken it pretty well, with the resilience only a 3 year old can show.

She’s already looking forward to picking a new one out at the weekend. I’m hoping she picks something a little sturdier this time….

I’ve had a lovely few days off work

20 02 2008

We got the new fish on Saturday, although the really cute small one that Godzooky 2 picked looks a little fragile to me.

 Things weren’t helped by the bag containing the fish getting dropped on the kitchen floor!

 A quick scoop and they were safely ensconced inside their new home.

The original fish had a bit of a nibble at the interlopers, but they soon settled down.

Monday was an expensive day: kitting all the Godzookies out with new trainers. Thankfully they aren’t at the age yet of requesting really expensive ones.

Godzooky 1 is happy with anything tha resembles a football boot, Godzooky 2 wanted ones with flashing lights in the soles, whilst Godzooky 3 was just thrilled to have a new pair!

Scarily Godzookies 2 and 3 are now the exact same shoe size, despite the 18 month age gap!

Yesterday we visited the Manchester Museum

Godzooky 1’s project this term is ancient Egypt. We heard on tv, last week, that they are thinking of removing the mummies from public display. So we took the opportunity to visit before they do.

It was impressive stuff, seeing everything that an ancient civilisation achieved.

Even the kids were impressed, so it must be good!

Now it’s back to catching up with work and all the lovely blogs I frequent, of course….

Going Fishing

15 02 2008

Half term beckons for the kids, and for once I’m actually having a few days off. It’s fallen in one of my quieter times at work, so I’m able to enjoy quality time with the kids. The weather forecast is good too, so it’s looking tickety boo.


The kids are also getting excited about getting some new fish as pets.


We still have one that I won at a fair four years ago.


Last weekend we set out to purchase some new gravel and plants for the fish bowl we have.


After seeing the price of gravel and accessories I worked out that it would be almost the same price to buy an aquarium set.


So I forked out for a proper set up, with a filter and now we have room for a couple more fish.


The current fish has been enjoying his new swanky pad, with loads more room for him to enjoy, although he seems to think his reflection is another fish.


Tomorrow we’re all going to choose a couple of new goldfish, which should be interesting for the existing one. Will he welcome the company ?

Back posting next week sometime…

Free chocolate*

14 02 2008

Free chocolate here

 * as long as you reside in the UK, somewhere near a Woolworths and read this before February 16th

 Don’t say I never give you anything!