Oh my

19 12 2008

this looks a lot different now – serving to highlight my absence

This will be my final post of the year, as I finish work today.

Then there’s the office party tonight.. there will be casualties, teher always are. Thankfully it shouldn’t be me!

So I’ll takethis opportunity to wish any people still passing by thsi excuse for a blog a wonderful festive period, and a Happy New Year.

I hope to be back blogging with a vengeance in the New Year…

So here’s

2 12 2008

the funny thing, I find myself not having posted for ages, yet there is so much happening right now that I want to blog about. So many things, so little time. I seem to find myself falling into that trap of near Christmas time loss. I know I have some time off looming and am trying to desperately get my work stuff done to make life easier when I get back. Crazy really, I should suffer a bit before and after instead.

Grandma Zilla’s latest operation seems to have gone well. I was up and down the motorways getting her to and from hospital last week. That has probably added to my feelings of time whirling around me.

I’m finally facing my last training session for the new integrated management system that went live yesterday, so the end is in sight. Then comes the start of the real problems: dealing with the new system!

For some reason I can’t quite pinpoint, I’m not looking forward to Christmas. I want to see the Godzookies enjoying themselves, but the practicalities and feeling of duty surrounding relatives are depressing me. I feel myself being torn in different directions, and wanting to run away from the responsibilities I have to try and balance. When did my life become so complicated, and how do I rectify it?

These and other unanswerable questions still to come….