The woes of Public Transport

4 08 2009

Even though I work in the field I do feel able to criticise it.

Currently out tram network is down, which means I am relegated to the bus network. A trip home that takes 25 minutes on the tram took me 80 minutes last night.

The bus had it’s heater on too, so a muggy day was made a lot worse .

On the positive side I did manage to get my head into a book, so I passed the time usefully rather than tutting at the traffic jams as my  neighbouring passenger did.

It’s only for a month, It’s only for a month may become my new mantra to get me through this.

On another positive note, it may provide me with some interesting blog material: there do seem to be some “interesting” characters around….



2 responses

4 08 2009
Zuper Zee

There are always “interesting” characters on the public transit system no matter where we go. 🙂

10 08 2009

As long as I’m not one of them, I think I can handle it!

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